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Your personal data is processed within the scope of the Kvkk Text. Clicking the `Register` button Membership AgreementYou confirm that you have read and accept.

Privacy Policy

By using the services of the and sites and the Master Tour mobile application, you provide your personal information to Master Tour LLC and agree to the terms of their use.

By submitting your personal information, you agree that the information will be used for its intended purpose. The mentioned websites and are the property of Master Tour LLC and are not intended for public use by third parties. This means that the data will not be transferred to any third party, except in cases defined by legislation and current policy.

Part of the information, including name, surname, passport information, bank details and other information, for the purpose of making payments with payment cards of the banking systems only to the institutions considered to be a hotel or other accommodation facility, to the companies that provide the service you purchased, to the relevant regulations and will be given to organizations that are partners of Master Tour LLC in the manner prescribed by the norms. In the cases stipulated by the legislation, separate information may be provided to the law enforcement agencies upon their legal and justified request.

In order to prevent the unauthorized use of personal data, their unauthorized transfer to third parties, or non-use of your data as intended, as well as to protect the accuracy of data, Master Tour LLC has taken appropriate physical, electronic and administrative security measures that ensure our policy on personal data protection.

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